From time to time, the Ashram hosts Spiritual Residential Retreats. The retreats held are usually for about three days on teachings of Bhagavan Ramana and other Advaitic Scriptures. Ordained Swamijis or Swaminis from different parts of the world lead and guide these retreats. Retreats are held usually quarterly and participants from different parts of the world are welcome to reside at the Ashram.
The intention is for at least four such retreats, either in Tamil or English to be held each year. Past retreats were held in October 2019, February 2020, October 2020 and February 2022. The February 2020 retreat in Tamil focused on Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi’s spiritual text Upadesa Unthiyar (or Upadesa Saram in Sanskrit). The 3-day retreat was guided by Swamini Sivapriyananda Saraswati of Malaysia. The October 2020 retreat was guided by Swami Gunatitananda Saraswati of Chinmaya Mission, Sri Lanka. The text for the retreat was Ullathu Narpathu (or Satdharshan in Sanskrit).

The recent retreat was held in February 2022, between the dates 3rd and 7th. This was a fully residential retreat with 10 participants. The retreat titled “That, I Am” elaborated on Atma Sadhana cutting across different texts including those of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. The retreat was guided by Swami Gunatitananda Saraswati of Chinmaya Mission, Sri Lanka.