Food Relief Appeal Download
Some photos from today's luncheon held at Saraswathy Illam - Ramanalayam. Today's luncheon was sponsored by Mr Shanthan Poobalasingham (UK) in remembrance of his father. Special address was made by…

What’s already happened
– you cannot change;
What’s yet to happen
– you can scarce influence;…

The scholars from Gnanodaya Mahavidyalayam of Myliddy South visited Ramanalayam this morning(Friday 11th of March 2022). Photos of students and teachers enjoying the surroundings of the Ashram are presented. Swami…

My mind was completely disturbed and was pre-occupied with projecting solutions for problems that were anticipated and imagined.
As I was entering the Ashram, I was blaming myself for the disaster…

It took me thirty seven years since that expedition, before I was able to visit that hill again, entirely with a different mindset and seeking the path the sixteen year…

As an eighteen-year-old undergraduate student (in 1976), collecting botanical samples of rare herbs and plants on the hill, I had little knowledge that the same hill had attracted a sixteen-year-old…

As the world dawns, another beautiful day is born. I am healthy! I am safe! I am alive! I am full of energy! Yes, the whole world begins with me,…